Please see the Summer 2025 Exam Timetable below.

Summer Exams Timetable – 2025

Welcome to our Examinations homepage.

Kings have put together some information to give you advice and guidance on exams and controlled assessments. The exams team can be contacted by email on [email protected]

Exam Dos & Don’ts

Please see this link to a helpful guide to prepare for your exams.


How to deal with Exam Stress

It’s normal to feel a bit worried about exams, but sometimes they can make you feel anxious or depressed. Find out how you can deal with exam stress.


  • Arrive early
  • Ring the College if you are too ill to take the exam
  • Bring the correct equipment (black pen etc.)
  • Line up quietly
  • Remain silent in the exam room
  • Check you have the right exam paper
  • Respect the invigilators
  • Read instructions and questions carefully
  • Write clearly and legibly in black ink
Do Not:
  • Bring your mobile phone (or i-pods or notes or..)
  • Communicate in any way with other candidates
  • Disrupt the exam in any way
  • Use highlighting pens in your answers
  • Panic or rush your work
  • Write or draw anything rude or racist on your exam paper
Occasional, part time paid work as exam invigilators

The College has a team of invigilators to be called upon for external examinations and mocks. Additional invigilators are often needed to supplement the team.

Invigilators are paid an hourly rate and are normally needed in college either from 8.15am to 11.30am or from 12.30pm to 3.30pm, or both. No experience, qualifications or specific skills are necessary but invigilators must be reliable, trustworthy, confident and assertive. Appointments are always subject to satisfactory references and DBS checks. The dress code is ‘smart office wear’.

We welcome students’ parents and other adult relatives (such as grandparents) in this role but do not allow them to invigilate in a room where their own relative is taking an exam.

If you would be interested in joining the invigilation team, please contact the Exams Officer, Miss Bridget Scott on 01483 484817 or e-mail her [email protected]