The College Reception is open during term time between 8am and 4.15pm.
If your child is unwell, their absence should be reported by 8:30am using the Studybugs app or by using the menu option on the main switchboard 01483 458956.
Should you require paper copies of the information held within this website, please contact Petula Chamberlain on 01483 458956 or [email protected]
Buddy Bench
Hampshire-based Lazy Susan has provided us with a free Buddy Bench, designed to create an inviting space for pupils to connect and build lasting friendships.
Click HERE for Family train tickets
Hire facilities at Kings College Guildford
Kings College Guildford has many high quality facilities for hire. View pictures and information on the link below.
Book now! kingscollegeguildford.schoolhire.co.uk
Great prices. Live availability.
Phone: 07843702918
Kings College Address
Kings College