Details of our Attendance Policy can be found here.

Good attendance and punctuality are crucial to your child achieving their very best both academically and socially. We expect all of our students to arrive every day, on time and ready to learn.

Absence Due to Illness

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness you must inform us by 8:30am on every day they are absent.  Please use the Studybugs app to report their absence or telephone the absence line on 01483 458956 and leave a message with their name, form and a brief description of their symptoms.

If you do not contact us, a message will be sent to you between 10am and 11am and parents are required to respond with a reason for their absence.  The absence will be recorded as unauthorised if a reason is not provided.

Medical Appointments

Where possible please arrange medical and dental appointments outside of school hours.  If this is unavoidable, you must inform us of the appointment in advance using the Studybugs app, in a written note or by telephone.  You should obtain evidence of the appointment and either send to [email protected] or present it to the school reception staff on return.

Planned Absence

Please complete the form below if you want the Principal to consider your request for leave of absence during term time for any reason other than those stated above.

You should return the form for the attention of the Attendance Officer to the school reception.


Students are expected to arrive at school by 8:30am every day.  If they arrive after this time they will need to sign in at the main reception with a reason.  Lateness is monitored every term and sanctions given according to our policy.

Signing in and out

In the event of needing to leave the school site during school hours parents should report this on Studybugs. This can also be written in the student’s planner as this note can then be signed by the tutor and seen by the relevant class teacher. When arriving or leaving, a student should report to the student reception and be signed in or out. Students are not allowed to leave the premises without Reception seeing some form of parental permission.

Students who are ill at school

Students who are unwell in school should report to the student reception. Parents will be contacted if a student needs to be collected from school. We do ask parents not to make prior arrangements or for students to phone home themselves, before they have been to the student reception.

Missing school work due to absence

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they catch up on work missed due to absence.

Acknowledging Good Attendance

Students are acknowledged for their good attendance. Postcards, certificates and prizes are awarded each module. Students at Kings College are proud of their high attendance rates and know the importance of being punctual.

Tackling Poor Attendance

Kings takes a supportive approach to families who have children with on-going illnesses. We will ensure that we do everything possible to support school attendance rather than the student remaining at home

In the unlikely event that a student does not attend school regularly, the school will follow Surrey County Council procedures and refer the family to the Surrey Inclusion Service.

Did you know..?

98% attendance = they have missed less than 4 days of school

95% attendance = they have missed less than 10 days of school

90% attendance = they have missed 4 weeks of school

85% attendance = they have missed 5½ weeks of school

80% attendance = they have missed 7 ½ weeks of school